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  我公司承建的河北省三河市生活垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气净化工程于2020年8月12日开工建设。The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project constructed by Huaxing East for MSW incineration power plant in Sanhe, Hebei was started on August 12, 2020.


  该项目建设规模为2×1000t/d炉排炉式生活垃圾焚烧炉+2×25MW高转速汽轮机+2×25MW发电机。烟气处理采用:半干法(Ca(OH)2)+干法(Ca(OH)2消石灰)+活性炭喷射+袋式除尘器,为我司EP工程。The plant has 2×1000 t/d grate furnace, 2×25 MW high speed turbine, and 2×25 MW generator. FGC applies semi-dry Ca(OH)2 + dry Ca(OH)2 slaked lime + activated carbon injection + bag filter process. It is an EP project of Huaxing.


  该项目为继我司参与建设烟气的保定二期项目(进口日立造船炉排)后,第二个单炉处理量达到1000吨的炉排炉项目,同时也是国内首台国产单炉处理量达到1000吨的炉排炉项目。而我司参与建设烟气的国内首台日处理量1000吨日的流化床项目—山东临淄项目,则更早投产。This is the 2nd project whose grate furnace has treatment capacity of 1000 tons after Huaxing's participation in the FGC construction of Baoding phase II (grate imported from Hitachi Zosen) . Meanwhile, Baoding Phase II is also the 1st grate with a single furnace treatment capacity of 1000 tons in China. Furthermore, the 1st fluidized bed with treatment capacity of 1000 tons in Linzi, Shandong, in which Huaxing participated the FGC construction, was put into operation earlier.

  截止目前,全球炉排炉单炉处理量最大的项目为深能源的武汉新沟扩建项目,日处理量为1x1100t/d,烟气设备为我司提供。全球流化床单炉处理量最大的项目为爱拓海盐工业固废项目1x2000t/d,烟气设备及安装均由我司提供,该项目也是迄今为止全球单炉处理量最大的固废项目。Now globally, the plant with largest single treatment capacity of grate furnace is the Wuhan Xingou expansion of Shenzhen Energy. The plant has a treatment capacity of 1x1100 t/d, and its FGC equipment is provided by Huaxing. Globally, the plant with largest single furnace treatment capacity of fluidized bed is Aituo Haiyan Industrial solid waste incineration of 1x2000 t/d, and its FGC equipment and erection are provided by Huaxing. Aituo Haiyan plant is also the largest single furnace treatment capacity of solid waste in the world so far.


  华星东方在河北省的业绩涵盖包括:衡水、曹妃甸、围场、保定一期、二期、顺平、唐山一期、二期、张家口北、固安、香河、定州、沧州一期、石家庄、安平、滦州、沙河等多个项目。The achievements of Huaxing East in Hebei Province include Hengshui, Caofeidian, Weichang, Baoding phase I & II, Shunping, Tangshan phase I & II, North Zhangjiakou, Gu'an, Xianghe, Dingzhou, Cangzhou phase I, Shijiazhuang, Anping, luanzhou, Shahe, etc.



分享到:0  时间:2022-07-29 来源:华星东方电力环保 


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